Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 14, 2023

Welcome to the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (Idaho AEYC) website. At Idaho AEYC, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect the data we collect from you.


1. Purpose of Data Collection

We collect data for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Membership: When you become a member of Idaho AEYC, we collect the necessary information to provide you with membership benefits and services.
  • Donations: If you choose to donate, we collect the information required for processing and acknowledging your contribution.
  • Newsletter Subscriptions: When you subscribe to our newsletter, we collect your email address to keep you updated with our latest news and activities.
  • RSVPs for Events: If you RSVP for events hosted by Idaho AEYC, we collect the information needed to confirm your attendance and provide event-related information.
  • Conference Registration: When you register for conferences organized by Idaho AEYC, we collect registration details to facilitate your participation.
  • READY! for Kindergarten Registration: On the READY! site, a subsite of AEYC, we collect data for READY! for Kindergarten registration, including names, email addresses, physical addresses, and ages of children.
  • PDI Registration: We host registration for the Professional Development Institute (PDI) and collect relevant information for event participation.
  • Ordering Kids of Idaho Kits: For ordering Kids of Idaho kits, we collect the necessary information for processing and shipping.
  • Contact Us: If you use the "Contact Us" section, we collect your contact information to respond to your inquiries.
  • Payments: We may collect payment information when you make payments for various services or purchases on our website.

2. Types of Data Collected

We may collect the following types of data, depending on the purpose:

  • Names
  • Email addresses
  • Mailing addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Payment information (when applicable)
  • IP addresses (for website analytics)
  • Cookies (for website functionality)
  • Ages of children (for READY! for Kindergarten registration)

3. Data Collection Methods

We primarily collect data through online forms and may use third-party payment services for processing payments. Additional data collection methods may be employed as needed.

4. Legal Basis for Data Processing

Our data processing is primarily based on the contractual necessity to provide the services you request. For example, we process data to fulfill membership benefits, process payments, and manage event registrations.

5. Data Usage

We use the collected data for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Communication with you
  • Membership management
  • Event registration and management
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Processing payments
  • Analytics and website improvement

6. Data Sharing

We do not automatically share your data with other organizations. However, aggregated and anonymized data may be accessible to Early Learning Center Program Managers through the data library, with no personally identifiable information (PII) shared.

7. Data Retention

We retain user data indefinitely, as long as it is necessary for the purposes described in this policy or as required by applicable statutory or regulatory requirements.

8. Consent Mechanism

By registering your child for READY! for Kindergarten, you grant permission for the collection and processing of data required for program participation.